SciFanAni's General Frequently Asked Questions
Questions About The Site:
What does SCIFANANI mean?
How do you properly pronouce SciFanAni?
Can you make me a site?
How do you make a site?
Why haven't you replied to my message?
Can you help me with my site?
Can I use your layout?
Can I send you information?
How much do you read?
How much anime do you watch?
Can you speak Japanese?
Are you one of those internet geeks with nothing better to do than stare at a screen and make little squeaks and worry about your computer crashing and seeing a seal pop out of the screen and....?!?!?!

Q: What does SCIFANANI mean?

A: Scifanani simply means "science fiction, fantasy, and anime". I just combined parts of the words.

Q: How do you properly pronouce SciFanAni?

A: Hmmmm.... I say it a lot of different ways but you can just say "psy-fahn-ahni" or "psy-fan-annie" or even "scif-ahn-ahni"!! They're all pretty cool!

Q: Can you make me a site?

A: Uh....No! I'm sorry but I don't have the time and then it would be my site if I made it. I can however help you when you decide to make a site.

Q: How do you make a site?

A: First of all you pick a subject and find a host or domain. Then you learn HTML And then you do what you want with it.

Q: Why haven't you replied to my message?

A: Because I'm probably busy. I get a lot of mail. But know that I've read it.

Q: Can you help me with a site?

A: Depends. I might if I have time and in a good mood.

Q: Can I use your layout?

A: Hmmm....let me think! Not without asking. Cause' that's stealing and stealing's wrong! Get permission first. And I hope you know what you're doing.

Q: Can I send you information?

A: Of course! I love to read email and if it's useful I'll probably even post it on the site.

Q: How much do you read?

A: Bookwise? Probably about 2 hours a week. If I have a lot of time on my hands I'll read more.

Q: How much time do you spend watching anime?

A: Actually, not very much. But then again there's all the stuff on TV. About 2-5 hours a week. My schedule differs from week to week.

Q: Can you speak Japanese?

A: Hai! Okay, actually no. But wouldn't that be cool. I can understand a little.

Q: Are you one of those internet geeks with nothing better to do than stare at a screen and make little squeaks and worry about your computer crashing and seeing a seal pop out of the screen and....?!?!?!

A: Should I even answer this? No, sometimes I blink. :p I think somones had a little too much coffee.

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