Rules and Guidelines for Submissions

These are the rules and guidelines for submitting fan art, fan fiction, and fan reviews.

1. Make sure the image doesn't take up too much space.
2. I ONLY accept images in JPG, GIF, orJPEG form.
3. I DO NOT accept nasty images. This site is intended for all audiences.
4. Send fan art to my email address and I'll take it from there. Include a title for your piece and also tell me if you want your name posted.

1. Run your fanfic through spell check! I hate to have to stop adding html just to fix a spelling error. I don't mind a few mistakes but if every other word is spelled wrong it won't be posted.
2. Make sure your fic has a title. If you don't have one tell me and I'll mark it as untitled.
3. I will NOT allow adult stories or stories with a lot of adult content. It has to be intended for the general audience but I may let some things slide if it's to the minimum.
4. It would make my job easier if you would include a summary with a fic. This isn't required to get your fic posted but if you don't I'll have to write one for your fic and I'm really bad at it.
5. Send your fics to my email address and include the word "fanfic" somewhere in the title so I don't accidentally delete it. If it's an attachment send it in .html or .txt format. Also tell me if you want your name posted.
6. Dont put thoughts inbetween < > or the computer might read it as a html code.
7. And last but not least DON'T EMAIL ME YOUR FAN FIC OVER AND OVER AGAIN IF IT'S NOT UP!!! It's so annoying. Just have patience...

1. Make it short and sweet. Not too short but not super long. I'll accept anything from 150-1000 words. Actually just email me it and I'll look at it.
2. Don't give away the ending! Gees!
3. Include "fan review" somewhere in the title. I would prefer it if you didn't send it in an attachment. Make sure you tell me if you want your name posted. Thank you!

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