Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Author: J.K. Rowling
Pub. Date: August 1998
Approx. Pages: 300

Harry Potter. Well what can I say? I'm finally reviewing one of the so called "modern classics". A tale of magic and mystery revolving around a spirited young scamp with a freaky cut and cool hair. His life wasn't always so grand though. He was orphaned as a baby and was raised for 11 years by the Dursleys, his sick and twisted (and evil) side of the family (with no powers! Haha!). But it all changes when he gets a letter from a place that he could never even dream of...Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Well, once he gets there he makes a few friends, mangles with the locals, and gets caught in a strange quest.

My Opinion:

Rating : For kids and adults. My tastes have changed in books from the years but I think this one has a nice charm. It could be used to introduce a child into the world of fantasy! It could be compared to C.S. Lewis's masterpieces.

SciFanAni Rating : SciFanAni gives Harry Potter a 5 out of 5 stars.

Other Related Books: Anything with "Harry Potter" in the name... Yeah, it's good to be lazy. Sometimes...

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