Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(DVD)

Released: December 2001
Approx. Length: 3 hours
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The movie follows the epic novel almost perfectly. Bilbo leaves, Frodo gets "The Ring" and Gandalf sends him off on a quest to destroy it with the aid of some other people things. Don't you just love my summaries. A few changes have been made to fit the screen but they are minor and do not interrupt or alter the experience. It brings Middle-Earth to life!

My Opinion: The BEST movie made since Star Wars! Well, sort of. Watch it over and over and over and over.....

Rating : Very thrilling and adventurous. Like the rating on the movie said, for audience 13 and up and with a parent if younger. There are only a few violent scences but some scences could SPOOK your youngling'.

SciFanAni Rating : SciFanAni gives LOTR:TFOTR a 5 out of 5 stars.

Other Related Objects: The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, etc.

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